Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dragon Boat 7th CCWC Macau 2010

After much deliberated decision making and convincing the powers to be, it has been decided that I will attempt to trial for the City Dragons Opens squad for Macau. City Dragons Opens qualified for the 7th Club Crew World Championships in Macau after claiming silver in both 500m and 200m Final at the National Titles recently held at West Lake in Adelaide. This followed up by a bronze in the 2000m Final.

The hard road begins with the squad already back in training for a week and this will continue for the next 2.5 months until the championships. Training will be consist of 3 times on the water for dragon boat specific sessions during the week and supplemented by either a kayak, bike ride, swimming or yoga sessions on the weekend. There'll be a fitness test on land and a water trial to determine each paddlers fitness.

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